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SOLO VOCAL                     


[h = high voice; m = middle voice; l = low voice]






Ruth for h  [Edition Kemel]                                                                                                               




VOICE & PIANO (Afrikaans, English, German, Italian, Latin, Xhosa, Zulu)                                                                                                                                                           





Drie Gedigte van Elisabeth Eybers for ms/c, pf [Edition Kemel]

  1. Herfs


  2. Herinnering


  3. Grys middag



Twee Gedigte van Eugène Marais for h, pf  [Edition Kemel]


  1. Winternag


  2. Diep Rivier



Alleenstryd - 6 poems of S.V. Petersen for h/m/l, pf


(available in English as Outcast) [South African Music Rights Organisation]


  1. Kinders van Kain


  2. Die veles

      André Howard, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2007)

  3. Weeklag van die gewonde


  4. Kinderland

      André Howard, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2007)

    Makudu Mmphepere-keeje Senaoana, Juan Burgers (2020)

  5. Gier van die Bose


   6. Ecce homo



Die Here is my herder (Psalm 23) for h, pf [Edition Kemel]



Die stil avontuur –  7 poems of Elisabeth Eybers for s/ms, pf 


(available in English as The quiet adventure[Edition Kemel]


  1. Die ontmoeting


  2. Ontwaking


  3. Sonnet (In daardie laaste nag)


  4. Heimwee


  5. Nocturne 


      Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2007)


  6. Die antwoord


  7. Wag



Vier gebede by jaargetye in die Boland (N.P. Van Wyk Louw) for h/m/l, pf


(available in English as Four seasonal prayers) [Edition Kemel]


  1. Vroegherfs


      Andrè Howard, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2004)


  2. Uit hierdie ligte herfs


  3. Winter


  4. Eerste sneeu


en skielik is dit aand – 5 poems of Wilhelm Knobel for h/m/l, pf                                                         


(available in English as and it is suddenly evening) [Edition Kemel]


  1. geen skip strand ooit teen hierdie kus nie


      Andrè Howard, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2004) 


      Milena Gurova, Corneli Smit (2009)

  2. Elegie

       Milena Gurova, Corneli Smit (2009)

  3. Gedig vir Klein Estie

                Andrè Howard, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2004)       

       Milena Gurova, Corneli Smit (2009) 

   4. By die dood van Motau

       Milena Gurova, Corneli Smit (2009) 

   5. Op slag gedood

       Milena Gurova, Corneli Smit (2009)


Wynverse – 3 tangos on verses by Hennie van Coller for h/m/l, pf


(available in English as Wine songs) [Edition Kemel]



Ek maak ’n hek oop in my hart – 5 poems of Uys Krige for h/m/l, pf


(available in English as A gateway to the heart) [Edition Kemel]


  1. Maannag


  2. Die seemeeu


  3. Klaaglied vir Van der Merwe


  4. Hotêl Aurore


  5. Plaashek

      LeOui Rendsburg, Mikey Pandya (2021);



Twee verjaarsdagliedere for h/m/l, pf


(available in English as Two birthday songs) [Edition Kemel]


  1. Die moeder (Elisabeth Eybers)


      Minette du Toit-Pearce, Marika Hofmey


  2. Geluk (Uys Krige)


      Minette du Toit-Pearce, Marika Hofmeyr


Die skaduwee van die son – 6 poems of Lina Spies for h/m, pf  

(available in English as The shadow of the sun) [Edition Kemel]


  1. Pisces 

  2. Koshuis-aandete [Supper at the student hostel] 

  3. Tweespalt [Dichotomy] 

  4. Musiek [Music]


      Minette du Toit-Pearce, Esthea Kruger (2021)

  5. Protes teen poësie [Protest against poetry] 

  6. Kringloop [Circuit]



Vroeë liefde – 6 poems of Wilhelm Knobel for h/m, pf                                                                            


(available in English as Early love)  [Edition Kemel]

  1. Nag [Night] 

  2. Vir nou [For you] 

  3. Donker [Darkness]

  4. Liefde [Love] 

  5. Die wind [The wind] 

  6. Genoeg! [Enough!]



Van vlam en as [Of flame and ashes] (Sheila Cussons) for S/MS, cl, pf [Edition Kemel]


  1. Eva [Eve] 

  2. Lyf [Body] 

  3. Pêrel [Pearl] 

  4. Verlief in Venisië [In love in Venice] 

  5. Bedekte naak [Covered nakedness] 

  6. Vy [Fig] 

  7. Onthoofding [Decapitation] 

  8. Winter-akwarel uit Amsterdam [Winter aquarelle from Amsterdam] 

  9. Die swart kombuis [The black kitchen] 

  10. Lyksang van die vergetenes [Elegy of the forgotten]


  11. Die sagte sprong [The gentle leap]



Die onverganklike oomblik – 6 poems of NP Van Wyk Louw for h/m, pf


(available in English as The immortal moment) [Edition Kemel]


      Janelle Visagie, Jose Dias (2017)

  1. My venster is ’n blanke vlak [My window is a gleaming pane]

  2. Suiwer wiskunde [Pure mathematics]                                           

  3. Kom vannag in my drome [Enter my dreams tonight]       

  4. Grense [Borders]                       

  5. Ons liefde is ’n uur se ydelheid [Our love is but an hour's idleness]  

  6. Nog in my laaste woorde sal jy wees [Still in my last words will you be]



Wintersprokie – 3 poems of Petra Müller for s/ms, pf


(available in English as A winter’s tale)  [Edition Kemel]


  1. Persephone  

  2. Verlore [Lost]                                                                                                                               3.   3. Demeter


Woorde in die wind – 4 poems of Ingrid Jonker for s/ms, pf                                          


  1. Windliedjie 

      Minette du Toit-Pearce, Marika Hofmeyr

  2. Bitterbessie dagbreek 

      Minette du Toit-Pearce, Marika Hofmeyr  

  3. Toemaar die donker man

      Minette du Toit-Pearce, Marika Hofmeyr

  4. Die kind

      Minette du Toit-Pearce, Marika Hofmeyr


Ses studies op gedigte van Breyten Breytenbach                                                                                                              

  1. uitvaart                                                                                                                                                       

  2. trein                                                                                                                                                              

  3. tronk                                                                                                                                                            

  4. vlerke                                                                                                                                                                 

  5. son en skedel                                                                                                                                                                      6. nirvana



Aan de  Muziek (A. Roland Holst) for h/m, pf                                                                                                                                                        




If thou must love me (Elizabeth Barrett Browning) for h/m/l, pf [Edition Kemel] 



Music, when soft voices die... (Shelley) for h/m/l, pf  [Edition Kemel]


       Jason Atherton, Esthea Kruger (2021)



Of Innocence and Experience – 3 poems of William Blake for h/m/l, pf [Edition Kemel]


   Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2007)


   1. Spring


   2. A Cradle Song


   3. The Sick Rose



Two Poems of Mervyn Peake for h/m/l, pf   [Edition Kemel]


  1. Crown me with hairpins


  2. How fly the birds of heaven  



Of Darkness and the Heart – 4 poems of Fiona Zerbst (second version) for s, pf  [Edition Kemel]



Three Shakespeare sonnets for h/m, pf  [Edition Kemel]


  1. How oft, when thou my music, music play’st


   2. Lo, as the careful housewife runs to catch

   3. Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day?

      Leah Gunther, Jose Dias (2017)

      Jason Atherton, Esthea Kruger (2021)



The broken string (Xaa-ting, transl. Hofmeyr) for h/m/l, pf  [UNISA,  Edition Kemel] 


     Leo Williams, ? (2019)

   Justin Kroll, ? (2019)

    Thembinkosi Magagula, Lezanti van Sittert (2022)

    Siphokazi Molteno, Llyr Williams (2023) [at 51:20]


          Bree Nichols, Alexandr Starý (2023)








Par les sentiers de lumière – 3 poems by Lamine Diakhaté [Edition Kemel] 








Eurydike (Rainer Maria Rilke) for s, pf


Die junge Magd (Georg Trakl) for h/m/l, pf  

  1. Am Brunnen

  2. In der Kammer

  3. Im Anger                                                                                                                                                                                      4. In der Schmiede                                

  5. Im Bette 

  6. Abends





Tre liriche in stile antico for h/m/l, pf  [Edition Kemel]


  1. Ecco mormorar l'onde (Leopardi)


      Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2006)


  2. L'infinito (Tasso)


      Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2006)


  3. Quiete (Ungaretti)

      Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2006)


Tre canzoni for h/m/l, pf  [Edition Kemel] 


  1. I' t'ho comprato (Michelangelo) 


      Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2006)


  2. Pianto antico (Carducci)


      Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2006)


  3. Canzoncina d'aprile (Panzacchi)


      Zanne Stapelberg, Hendrik Hofmeyr (2006)






Pie Jesu for h/m, pf [Edition Kemel]                                                                                                    






Thula, thu (traditional) for voice, pf [Edition Kemel]


     Paulina Malefane, Esthea Kruger (2021)


     Siphokazi Molteno, Llyr Williams (2023) [at 59:30]


     Bree Nichols, Alexandr Starý (2023)         





Maye, maye for h/m/l, piano 








Sononder en die lug is pranasgeel (Boerneef) for 3 voices, pf [Edition Kemel]


Sononder en die lug is pranasgeel (Boerneef) for s, ms, a, bar, pf duet [Edition Kemel]


Nocturne (William Shakespeare) for s, s, a (or t, t, b), pf [Edition Kemel] 


Nocturne (William Shakespeare) for s, bar, pf duet [Edition Kemel]





Eurydike (Rainer Maria Rilke) for s (with frame drum), harp  [Edition Kemel]                                                                                                                  





Pie Jesu for h, organ [Edition Kemel]





Of Innocence and Experience: I. Spring for s/t, mar


Thula, thu (traditional) for s, mar [Edition Kemel]


The broken string for h, mar





Psalm 23 for s/ms/t, vc  [Edition Kemel]


Oda a la bella desnuda (Pablo Neruda) for h, vc  [Edition Kemel]


    Lynelle Kenned, Anmari van der Westhuizen (2023)


Maria (Wilhelm Knobel) for m, vc [Edition Kemel]





Place me like a seal upon your heart for s, b, fl, organ [Edition Kemel]  





Of Innocence and Experience: I. Spring for m, fl, pf


Par les sentiers de lumière – 3 poems by Lamine Diakhaté for m, fl, pf


Wynverse (Hennie van Coller) – 3 tangos on verses by Hennie van Coller for h, fl, pf (available in English as Wine 







Two Poems of Mervyn Peake for m, ob, pf





Wynverse [Wine songs] (Hennie van Coller) – 3 tangos on verses by Hennie van Coller for h, cl, pf 


Van vlam en as – 11 gedigte van Sheila Cussons for s, cl, pf [Allmusic/Edition Kemel]





Of Innocence and Experience – 3 poems of William Blake for h, tr, pf  [Edition Kemel]


Of Darkness and the Heart: III. Hotel for s, tr (or sax), pf [Edition Kemel]


Wynverse [Wine songs] (Hennie van Coller) – 3 tangos on verses by Hennie van Coller for h, tr, pf [Edition Kemel]    





Tre liriche in stile antico for h, vn, pf [Edition Kemel] 





Of Darkness and the Heart: III. Hotel for ms, vl, pf  [Edition Kemel]





L'infinito for m, vc, pf


Quiete  for m, vc, pf





Music, when soft voices die... (Shelley) [2nd version: h/m, vn, vla, vc]  [Edition Kemel]





Of Darkness and the Heart – 4 poems of Fiona Zerbst for s, string quartet  [Edition Kemel]


  1. Writing at night


  2. At the dacha


  3. Hotel


        Sabina Mossolow, Odeion Quartet (2013)


  4. What was said 


Sewe gedigte van Thomas Erlank for medium voice, string quartet








The Death of Cleopatra (Shakespeare) for s, fl, afl, bcl, hr, vibr, hrp, vla, db


The Death of Cleopatra (Shakespeare) for s, cl, vla, pf [Edition Kemel]


The Death of Cleopatra (Shakespeare) s, 2 vn, vla, vc [Edition Kemel]


Le Bateau ivre (Rimbaud) for m/l, fl, hr, vibr/t-t, r, vc


Fragment from "Prometheus Unbound" (Shelley) for h, fl, cl, hr, mar, vibr, hrp (pf), vn, vla, vc


Gebed om die Gebeente (D.J. Opperman) for s/high ms, fl, vc, pf [Edition Kemel]


Due sonetti di Petrarca for h, desc. rec (or fl), vc, hrpscd (or pf or hrp) [Edition Kemel]


Ainsi qu'on oit le cerf bruire for h, fl, vc, pf/hrpscd [Edition Kemel] 


Dover Beach for fl, vc, pf/hrp


    Sabina Mossolow, Collage (2007)


    Lynelle Kenned, Liesl Stoltz, Anmari van der Westhuizen, Jose Dias (2022)


Diptych for h, fl, cl, 2 vn, vl, vc, pf





Ballade van die Bloeddorstige Jagter (G.A. Watermeyer) for s, ms, ten, bar, bass (or SATB, bar) str  [Edition Kemel]                                                                                

Pie Jesu  for h, strings [Edition Kemel]


    Zanne Stapelberg, CPO, Xandi van Dijk (2008)


Maye, maye  for h/m/l, strings 






Alleenstryd - 6 poems of S.V. Petersen for h, fl, str


Attis for sopranista (or soprano/tenor), alto sax/CA, prc, str






Byzantium (W.B. Yeats)  for s/ms/ten, 2-2-2-2, 4-3-3-1, tmp, 3 prc, pf, hrp, str


    Mata Katsouli, Orchestra of Colours, Miltos Logiadis (1997)


Of Darkness and the Heart - 4 poems of Fiona Zerbst for s lirico (spinto), 2-2-2-2, 2-1-0-1, 3 prc, hrp, str


Nocturne (Elisabeth Eybers) for s, 2-2-2-1, 3 prc, hp, str  [Edition Kemel]                                                                                                                         

Vier gebede by jaargetye in die Boland - 4 poems of N.P. Van Wyk Louw) (available in English as Four seasonal


prayersfor m, 2-2-2-2, 2-2-1, 2 prc, pf, hrp, str [Edition Kemel]


en skielik is dit aand - 5 poems of Wilhelm Knobel  (available in English as and it is suddenly evening


for m, 2-2-2-2, 2-2,2 prc, hrp, str [Edition Kemel]


Three African Songs for c, 1-1-1-1, 1-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, str


    Msaki, Bundesjugendorchester, Alexander Shelley (2021)


Ode to the West Wind (Percy Bysshe Shelley) for h, 2-2-2-2, 2-2-2-1, tmp, 2 prc, hp, str








Kersliedjie (DJ Opperman) – carol for SSAA (available in English as Carol) [Edition Kemel]

Die Spokewals (Boerneef) for SSAATTBB+ssaattbb or TTTTBBBB+ttttbbbb 

(available in English as The Phantom Waltz) [Edition Kemel, Vektor]

    Tuks Camerata, Johann van der Sandt (2002)

    University of Pretoria Camerata, Michael Barrett (2014)

    SA Youth Choir, André van der Merwe (2015) [in English]

    Varsity Voices, Nelson Kwei (2018)

Eden (Ina Rousseau) for SSAA/TTBB (available in English)[Edition Kemel]                                                                  Ma, daar kom die jong soldaat (traditional) - arrangement for SSAA

Afrika (C.M. van den Heever) for SSATBB (available in English as Africa)  [Edition Kemel] 

My venster is 'n blanke vlak (N.P. Van Wyk Louw) for SATB+s [Edition Kemel] 

(available in English as My window is a gleaming plane)

Ek wonder of jy soms (I.D. du Plessis) for SATB (available in English as I wonder if you still) [Edition Kemel] 

Die Here is my Herder (Ps. 23) for SATB

Sedoosmusiek (Boerneef) for available in English as Southeaster Music) for SATB  [Edition Kemel]

Die Dans van die Reën (Eugène Marais) for SSAATTBB

Winternag (Eugène Marais) for SATB

Psalm 103 for SATB

Lawaaistraat (Boerneef) for SATB  [Edition Kemel]

By jonasdrif se sekelgat (Boerneef) for SATB  [Edition Kemel]

Mabalêl (Eugène Marais) for SSSSAAAA (available in English)

Lied van !Kò, die Bloukraanvoël (San text adapted by the composer) for SSAATTBB  [Edition Kemel]

     Cape Town Youth Choir, Leon Starker (2022)

Rut for SSAA (available in English as Ruth)

Ballade van Bettiesbaai for SSA+s or SATB+s (Marlene van Niekerk)

Kaljanner kaljanner (George Weideman) for SSAA or TTBB

Al lê die berge nog so blou (traditional) – arrangement for SATB, vn [Edition Kemel]

Al lê die berge nog so blou (traditional) – arrangement for SATB

Vaarwel my eie soetelief (traditional) – arrangement for TTBB [Edition Kemel]  

Daar kom die Alibama (traditional) – arrangement for SSAA or TTBB or SATB

Horie petryse ennie fisane (Boerneef) for SSSAAA/TTTBBB (available in English as Pheasant are calling) 

6 Korale for SATB and organ [SAKOVS]  [Edition Kemel]

Jankemalanke Langklaasfranke (Boerneef) for SSAA or TTBB

Bont konsertina laans die watervoor (Boerneef) for SATB

Psalm 42 for SSA/TBB/SATB (available in English)

Ken jy die see (Uys Krige) for SSAATTBB

Koeloekoeloe (Boerneef) for SATB

Weggaan en terugkoms – Fantasia on traditional songs for SSAA or TTBB

Eva en die wind (Sheila Cussons) for SSAA

Windliedjie (Ingrid Jonker) for SSAA

Twee liedere van //Kabbo for SATB

Al lê die berge nog so blou for SATB [Edition Kemel]  



Sweet was the Song (John Attey) – carol for SATB or SSAA or TTBB [Edition Kemel]


    Chamber Choir Cantinovum, Rita Varonen (2023)

Care-Charmer Sleep (Samuel Daniel) – madrigal for SSATB [Edition Kemel]

The Eccho (Richard Leigh) – madrigal for SSATBB [Edition Kemel]

How sweet the moonlight (William Shakespeare) for SSSSAAAA [Edition Kemel]

Batter my heart (John Donne) for SATB

Of Darkness and the Heart for SSA, pf [Edition Kemel]

The Birth of Orc (William Blake) for SSAATTBB

    Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Choir, Juanita van Dijk (2015)

    André van der Merwe, Stellenbosch University Choir (2017)

Desert Sun (San text adapted by the composer) for SSAATTBB

    Kamer, Maris Sirmais (2008)

    KwaZulu-Natal Youth Choir, Gerard'd du Toit (2014)

Genesis for SSAATTBB

    Cape Town Youth Choir, Leon Starker (2014)

Psalm 148 for SSATBB

A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day (John Dryden) for SSAATTBB

Abraham and Isaac for SATB

O come, o come, Emmanuel – carol fantasia for SATB

The wicked are like the troubled sea for SSAATTBB

You spotted snakes (William Shakespeare) for SSSAAA

No man is an island (John Donne) for SSAATTB

Love (from 1 Corinthians 13) for SATB

Good King Wenceslas for SSAATTBB

O wild West Wind (PB Shelley)  for SSAA 

The starry call (Sara Teasdale) for S solo (or whistler), SSAATTBB                                                                      



Par les sentiers de lumière – 3 poems by Lamine Diakhaté for SSAATTBB, st  [Edition Kemel]



Requiem for SSAATTBB+satb [Boosey&Hawkes, New York]          

Iubilate Deo (Ps. 100) – motet for SATB [Edition Kemel, Vektor]

Tu pauperum refugium – polychoral motet for 2 or 4 x SSAA or TTBB or SATB + audience (optional) [Boosey&Hawkes, New York]

Stabat Mater for SSAATTBB [Edition Kemel]

Stabat mater for SSAATTBB - Extended version [Edition Kemel]

Pie Jesu – motet for SATB/SSAA/TTBB [Boosey&Hawkes, New York]

    Pro Arte, Arthur Sjogren (2009)

    Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (2009)

De profundis (Ps. 130) – motet for TTBB [Edition Kemel]

A sexta autem hora – motet for SSAATTBB [Allmusic, Edition Kemel]

    University of Pretoria Camerata, Johann van der Sandt (2002)

    Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (2012)

Nunc dimittis – motet for SATB [Edition Kemel]

Hodie Christus natus est – motet for SSAA or TTBB or SATB or SSAA+SATB [Edition Kemel]

    Stellenberg Girls' Choir, André van der Merwe (2005)

    Gents Universitair Koor, Joris Derder (2022)

Super flumina Babylonis (Ps. 137) for SSATBB [Allmusic, Vektor, Edition Kemel]

    University of Pretoria Camerata, Johann van der Sandt (2006)

Saulus in Damascum for SSAATTBB

    Akustika Chamber Singers, Christo Burger (2012)

In lumine tuo – motet for SSAATTBB                                                                                                

Gloria for SSATBB

    Cape Town Youth Choir, Leon Starker (2017)

Pater noster for SSAATTBB

Laudate Dominum for SSAA or TTBB

Omnia tempus habent for SSAATTBB

Miserere (on Senzeni na) for SSATTB, S solo

Agnus Dei (on Bawo xa ndi lah le ke yo) for SATB, S + A solos [Vektor]

In tempore belli for SSAATTBB, S + A solos

    University of Pretoria Camerata, Michael Barrett (2018)

Salve, Regina – motet for SSAATTBB



Uqongqot'hwane (The Click Song) (traditional) – arrangement for SATB, S solo [Earthsongs]

    Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (2005)

Thula, babana (traditional) – arrangement for SATB/SSAA [Boosey&Hawkes, New York]

    Stellenberg Girls' Choir, André van der Merwe (2005)

    Amici de Lumine Youth Choir, Michaelangelo Cloete (2017)

Dubula (traditional) – arrangement for SATB

Senzeni na (traditional) for SSATTB (with S solo) [Edition Kemel]



Liederwysgesange – 3 poems by Boerneef for SATB, pf [Edition Kemel] 

Sound the Flute! – Three poems of William Blake for SATB, pf

Es-kom, Es-gaan (Elmientjie Thom) for SATB, pf

Nocturne (Elisabeth Eybers) for SA, pf

Gedig vir Klein Estie (Wilhelm Knobel) for SA or TB, pf

By die dood van Motau (Wilhelm Knobel) for SA or TB, pf

Op slag gedood (Wilhelm Knobel) for SSA or TTB, pf

Wynverse – 3 tangos on verses by Hennie van Coller for SATB, pf

Kom ons prys die Heer se naam  for SSA or TBB, pf

Juig, al wat leef (Ps. 100) for SSAA or TTBB, pf

Bont konsertina laans die watervoor (Boerneef) for SATB, pf

Die Lied van die Skepping (Ps. 104)  [available in English as The Song of Creation] for SATB, pf [Edition Kemel]

Of Darkness and the Heart - 4 poems of Fiona Zerbst for SA, pf [Edition Kemel]  

Koshuis-aandete (Lina Spies) for SSA r TTB, pf

Tweespalt (Lina Spies) for 2/3 equal voices (or SAB), pf 

Shall I compare thee to a Summer’s day? (William Shakespeare) for SA or TB, pf 

Vaarwel my eie soetelief (traditional) - arrangement for SSA or TTB, pf [Edition Kemel]  

Die blye boodskap for SATB, S solo, pf

I sing of a maiden - carol for SSAA/TTBB, pf duet (or pf)

The Bells (Edgar Allan Poe) for SATB, pf

Hooglied for SSAATTBB, pf



The Healing Prayer (Elizabeth Peter-Ross) - Part II for SATB, audience/congregation, org

6 Korale for SATB, organ [SAKOFS]  [Edition Kemel]



Spring (William Blake) for SATB, xyl



Gebed aan die Nuwe Maan for SATB, vibr



I sing of a maiden – carol for SATB, vibr, mar



Al lê die berge nog so blou for SATB, vn



Kersliedjie (D. J. Opperman) for SATB/SSAA, str (6-4-3-2-1) or pf (available in English as Carol) 

The Healing Prayer (Elizabeth Peter-Ross) for SATB, audience, str (4-4-3-2-1)/sextet [Edition Kemel]



Stabat mater for SSAATTBB, oboe d'amore, strings (at least 2-2-2-1-1) [Edition Kemel] â€‹




Vuka for S solo, SATB, alto sax, vn, vl, pf



A Carol Cantata for S solo, SATB, 6-4-3-2-1 [Edition Kemel: score, piano score, parts]



Missa Sancti Ignatii de Loyola  for s, SSSAATTBB, orch a 2

Kersliedjie (D. J. Opperman) for SATB, orch a 2 (available in English as Carol)  

Sinfonia africana for s, chorus, 2-2-2-2, 2-1-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, pf, hp, str (available in English) 



Il principe Barbablù – chamber opera in 1 act.   

s lirico spinto, s lirico, ms, c, b-bar, +fl, +ob, +cl, fg, hr, perc, vn, vla, vc, db


The Fall of the House of Usher – chamber opera in 1 act after E.A. Poe 

s lirico, t (or 2 t), b-bar, +fl, +ob, +cl, fg, hr, 2 perc, hp, vn, vla, vc, db


The Land of Heart's Desire – chamber opera in 1 act after W.B. Yeats [Score, vocal score, Edition Kemel]                     s leggero, s lirico, ms, t, bar, b, fl, +ob, +cl, fg, hr, 2 prc, hp, 2 vn, vla, vc, db  


Lumukanda – opera in 3 acts (after Credo Mutwa). s di coloratura, s lirico, s lirico spinto,

ms drammatico, 2 ms, c, t eroico, 2 t, bar, B, B profondo, chorus; 4-3-4-3 4-3-3-1, 5 prc, pf/cel, hp, str


Kami of Die Laaste Aand - chamber opera in 1 act after C. Louis Leipoldt. s lirico (spinto), T, 2 bar, 2 B, +fl, +ob, +cl, +fg, hr, 1 prc, vn, vla, vc, db [Score, vocal score, Edition Kemel]                   


Saartjie – monodrama.  s solo, chorus, 1-1-1-1, 2-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, str

    Syasanga Mbuyaswe, UCT Opera School, CPO, Kamal Khan (2010)

    Siphamandla Yakupa, UCT Opera School, CPO, Kamal Khan (2010)                                                                                  (in 3 parts)


Hemp van vlam – monodrama. s solo, cl, pf

    Jolene McCleland, Visser Liebenberg, Jose Dias (2017)


 Saartjie Baartman – Opera in 2 acts. s, ms, 2 ten, 2 bar, bass, chorus, 1-1-1-1, 2-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, hrp, str










Partita canonica for cl/sax/tr [Edition Kemel]


1. Entrata


2. Sarabanda


3. Canzonetta


4. Badenerie


    Emily Mehigh (2018)


Incantesimo for fl/rec [Edition Kemel]


Marimba for fl [Edition Kemel]


    Liesl Stoltz (2014)


    Myles Roberts (2024)


Scherzetto for rec


Luanaledi for rec (A/T)  [Edition Kemel]


Variations on an African Lullaby for fl  [Edition Kemel]


Oritìa en die Noordewind (Orithìa and the North Wind) for fl [Edition Kemel]


    Nina Cilliers (2020)







Nelle mani d'Amduscias for vn


Luamerava for vn [Edition Kemel]


​Variations on an African Lullaby for vn/vla/vc [Edition Kemel]


    Lieva Starker - violin (2017)


    Helen Liu - violin (2019)    


        Jacques-Pierre Malan - cello (2019)


Partita contrappuntistica for vn/vla/vc [Edition Kemel]


Cadenza for vc  [Edition Kemel] 


    Anmari van der Westhuizen (1998)


​Partita per contrabbasso solo for db [Edition Kemel]







Notturno elegiaco for harp


Tango languido for lever harp





Lachrymae for guitar


Umlolozelo for guitar [UNISA,  Edition Kemel]





Fantasia notturna [Edition Kemel]             


Die Dans van die Reën

Chaconne [Edition Kemel] 


    Matthew Forster (2005)




Variations on a Chopin mazurka  [Edition Kemel] 


Mars van die Lilliputters (March of the Lilliputians) [UNISA]


Partita africana [Edition Kemel]


  1. & 2. Preludio e Umdanso                                                                                                                                                                                          


      Sylvia Sze-Hua Jen (2009)

      Renee Reznek (2017)

      Marika Hofmeyr (2021),

  3. Hartbreekrivier (River of Sorrow)


       Marika Hofmeyr (2021)


  4. Kalunga 


      Ju Jin (2000)


      Marika Hofmeyr (2021) 



Sonata per pianoforte  [Edition Kemel]


      Justin Krawitz (2017)                                                                                  


Variations on an African Lullaby  [Edition Kemel]                                                                                                                                                

   Marika Hofmeyr (2021)


Ballata africana  [Edition Kemel]


      Jose Dias (2017)


      Marika Hofmeyr (2021)  



Homecoming  [Edition Kemel]                          


Fantasia sopra Senzeni na   [Edition Kemel]


      Marika Hofmeyr                     


Variations on an Afrikaans folksong


Partita romantica


Three little pieces


Rumba congolaise


Passacaglia on the name of James May 






6 Korale (6 Chorales) [SAKOVS]  [Edition Kemel]


7 Koraalvoorspele (7 Chorale Preludes) [SAKOVS]










​Suite from 'Alice'. 2 pf 


The Four-Note Waltz. 2 pf  [Edition Kemel]


Sonata for Two Pianos. 2 pf  [Edition Kemel]


Cavatina. Fl, pf  [Edition Kemel]


Il poeta e l'usignolo. Fl, pf  


Sonata for Flute & Piano. Fl, pf [Billaudot]


     Liesl Stoltz, Bennie van Eeden - 1st movement (2013)


     Dawid Venter, Ben Schoeman (2015)


    Phillipe Bertold, Marika Hofmeyr (2021),


Mabalêl – Fantasia on the poem by Eugène Marais  for fl, pf [Edition Kemel]


       Khanyisile Mthetwa(flute), (2019)



       Denìell Nel, Eugene Joubert (2020)



Three Pieces for Flute and Piano for fl, pf [Edition Kemel]


River of Sorrow for fl, pf


Wonderland Suite for ob, pf  [Edition Kemel]


Canto notturno for cl, pf [Edition Kemel] 


      Maria du Toit, Nina Schumann (2012) [Spotify, Apple Music]


      Taylor Kunkel, Hedy Lee (2018)


Sonata for Clarinet and Piano [Potenza]


       Becky Steltzner, Jose Dias (2014)


      Ferdinand Steiner, Nina Schumann (2022)


Necromancer for alto sax, pf [Edition Kemel]


Kemet for alto sax, pf


Sonata for Horn and Piano [Edition Kemel]


      Jeff Nelsen, Nina Schumann (2022)


Tango amabile for tr, pf


Wupperthal for tr, pf


Sonata for Trombone and Piano


Sonata I for Violin & Piano [Edition Kemel]


      Alissa Margullis, Nina Schumann (2022)


Sonata II for Violin & Piano [Edition Kemel]


Endimion en die Maan (Endymion and the Moon) for vn, pf


      Berthilde Dufour, Marika Hofmeyr (2021)


Philomena’s Night Song for vn, pf  [Edition Kemel]


      Berthilde Dufour, Marika Hofmeyr (2021)


Amar(tan)go [formerly Tango dell'amarezza] for sax/vln/vla/vc/db, pf  [Edition Kemel]


​The rebirth of Noliyanda for vn, pf  [Edition Kemel]


Sonata for Viola and Piano [Edition Kemel]


      Jeanne-Louise Moolman, Grethe Nöthling (2018)


Die Lied van Juanita Perreira for vc, pf [UNISA]


Sonata for Cello and Piano for vc, pf [Edition Kemel]


    Anmari van der Westhuizen & Ahra Oh (2024) z [22:30]


Dona nobis pacem for vc, pf  [Edition Kemel]


Kalembe - Wizard-Lord of the Wakambi for vc, pf [Edition Kemel]


    Anmari van der Westhuizen & Jose Dias (2022) [28.23]


Preludio e Umsindo for db, pf [Edition Kemel]


Sonata for Double Bass and Piano – Naka ya lethlaka [Edition Kemel]


Rapsodia notturna for guitar and piano


      Goran Krivokapic & Corneli Smit (2013)


Sonata for Vibraphone and Piano


      Phillipe Voituron, Marika Hofmeyr (2021)  







Lied van die Somerwind (Song of the Summer Wind) for fl, vn [Edition Kemel]


      Myles Roberts, Dawid Bester (2019)


Mabalêl – Fantasia on the poem by Eugène Marais  for fl, hrp


Elegia for fl, harp [Edition Kemel]


Il poeta e l'usignolo [The poet and the nightingale] for fl, harp/guit  [Edition Kemel]


       Liesl Stoltz, Jaqueline Kerrod (2020)


Variazioni sopra un corale for fl, organ [Edition Kemel]


Endimion en die Maan (Endymion and the Moon) for vn, harp [Edition Kemel]


Diablerie for vla, guit [Edition Kemel]


Variations on an African lullaby for vn/vc, mar [Edition Kemel]


Crucifixus for vc, organ  [Edition Kemel]


      Anzel Gerber, Herman Jordaan (2015)


River of Sorrow for vibr, mar [Edition Kemel]


Umsindo for vibr, mar [Edition Kemel]


Sonata for Vibraphone and Marimba [Edition Kemel]


Sonata for Two Guitars 





Notturno elegiaco. Fl/vn, vc, pf  [Allmusic]


      Trio Hemanay (2007)


Il poeta e l'usignolo [The poet and the nightingale]. Fl, vla, harp (or fl, vn, pf) [Edition Kemel]


Concerto da camera for fl, vn, pf [Edition Kemel]


Trio I for Violin, Cello and Piano. Vn, vc, pf  [Edition Kemel]


It takes two… for fl/cl, vc, pf (or fl, vn, pf or cl, bass trbn, pf or cl, vl, pf) [Allmusic, Edition Kemel]


  1. Tango amabile


      Trio Hemanay (2010)


  2. Tango lugubre


      Trio Hemanay (2010)


Trio II. Fl/vn, cl/vla/vc, pf  [Edition Kemel]


Ludzimu – Trio for violin, bassoon and piano  [Edition Kemel]


Fiaba for 2 fl, mar (or fl, vn, mar)  [Edition Kemel]





Ingoma  for 4 recs/4 fls/4 vlas/string quartet [Edition Kemel]


     Liesl Stoltz, Bridget Wilson, Louisa Theart and Lerienne Roux (2020)


Tango from 'Alice' for vn, vl, vc, pf [Allmusic]


Quartet for Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano


Tango from 'Alice'. Pf, 8 hands  [Edition Kemel]


Divertimento for flute and string trio. Fl, vn, vla, vc [score, parts: Edition Kemel]


First String Quartet [score, parts: Edition Kemel]


     Hogarth Quartet (2000)


     Odeion Quartet (2013) 1st movement:    


                                                                              2nd movement:

Second String Quartet 





Quintet for Clarinet and Strings for cl, 2 vn, vla, vc [Allmusic, Kemel]


Saint Francis and the birds for flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, horn and bassoon [Edition Kemel]













Tango from 'Alice' for 6 vc [Edition Kemel]       


     I grandi violoncellisti (2006)


Mokete (Celebration) for 6 prc




​Il giardino delle Esperidi for solo fl, 4 fl, afl, bfl  [Edition Kemel]​     

      Flûtes Colorées (2014)​

Concerto for Flute, Harp & String Quintet for solo fl, hrp, 2 vn, vl, vc, cb [score, parts: Edition Kemel]            

Concerto for Flute, Violin & String Quintet for solo fl, solo vn, 2 vn, vl, vc, cb [score, parts: Edition Kemel]               



Concerto for Piano & 7 Instruments for solo pf, fl, cl, prc, vn, vl, vc, cb [Allmusic]






Ingoma - Version for small orchestra for 2-2-2-2, 2 cr, 1 prc, str [Edition Kemel]


Concerto for Flute, Violin & String Orchestra for solo fl, solo vn, str (6-4-3-2-1) [Edition Kemel]


     Raffaele Trevisani, Piet Koornof, Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine Orbelian (2010) â€‹                        


Concerto for Flute, Harp & Strings


Recorder Concerto for solo recorder, hrpschrd, str [Edition Kemel]


     Stefan Temmingh, CPO, Hans Huyssen (2013) 


Concerto for Marimba and String Orchestra 


     Emilio February, CPO, Brandon Phillips (2016)


      Emilio February, CPO, Brandon Phillips (2017) [1st section missing]



​Concerto for Oboe, String Orchestra and Percussion (Str.: 6-6-4-2-2) [Edition Kemel]


Canone fo string orchestra [Edition Kemel]


Notturno elegiaco for 2-2-2-0, 3 prc, str (3-3-2-2-1) [Edition Kemel]


       OSM Camerata, Xavier Cloete (2017)


Die Spokewals [The Phantom Waltz] for 2-2-2-0, 3 prc, str (3-3-2-2-1) [Edition Kemel]


     OSM Camerata, Jan Moritz Onken (2013)


     OSM Camerata, Xavier Cloete (2015)


Super flumina Babylonis for 2 fl, ob, 2 cl, bcl, bsn, 1 prc, str (5-4-2-4-1) [Edition Kemel]


Concerto for Guitar and Chamber Orchestra (1-1-1-1 1-0-0-0 1-1-1-1-1)







Concerto for Alto Saxophone & Orchestra for solo sax, 2-2-2-2, 2-2-3-1, tmp, 2 prc, str [Edition Kemel]


     Cameron Williams, Cape Town Philharmonic, Brandon Phillips (2016)


     Josie McClure, USSO, Corvin Mattei (2020)


Concerto for Baritone Saxophone & Orchestra for solo sax, 2-2-2-2, 2-2-2-1, tmp, 2 prc, str [Edition Kemel]


Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra for solo fg, 2-2-2-0, 2-2-1-0, tmp, 2 prc, pf, str


Concerto for Flute & Orchestra  for solo fl, 0-2-2-2, 2 hr, tmp, 2 prc, hp, str [Allmusic]


     Helen Vosloo, NSO, Emmanuel Siffert>



Concerto for Cello e Orchestra for solo vc, 2-2-2-2, 2-1-1-1, timp, 2 prc, str [Allmusic, Edition Kemel]


Concerto for Cello e Orchestra for solo vc, 2-2-2-2, 2-1-1-1, timp, 2 prc, str - Revised version 2023


Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra for solo cl, 2-2-0-2, 2-2-0-1, tmp, 2 prc, pf, str [Edition Kemel] 


Concerto for Recorder, Harpsichord and Orchestra for solo rec, solo hrpschrd, 2-2-2-1, tr, tmp, 3 prc, str


Concerto for Piano & Orchestra for solo pf, 2-2-2-2, 4-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, str [Edition Kemel]


     Helen Vosloo, NSO, Emmanuel Siffert>


Concerto for Soprano Saxophone and Orchestra for solo sax, 2-2-2-2, 2-2-2-1, tmp, 2 prc, hrp, str


Concerto for Tenor Saxophone and Orchestra for solo sax, 2-2-2-2, 2-2-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, pf, str


Concerto for Two Pianos & Orchestra for 2 solo pf, 2-2-2-2, 2-2-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, str [Allmusic, Edition Kemel]


     Nettle&Markham, CPO, Orwain Arwal Hughes>


Concerto for Viola and Orchestra for solo vla, 2-2-2-2-, 2-1-1-1, 2 prc, cel, hrp, str


Raptus for solo vn, 2-2-2-2, 2-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, cel/glc, str [Allmusic]


     Andrew Haveron, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Flanders, Marc Soustrot


      Recordings of other 11 finalists: Bin Huang, Natsumi Tamai, Jennifer Frautschi, Nikolaj Znaider, Reiko Otani, Irina           

     Muresanu, Jaako Kuusisto, Susanna Henkel, Albert Breuniger, Kristóf Baráti,Kazuhiro Takagi 




Vala - A Metaphysical Ballet (after William Blake) for orch a 4


Alice - Ballet in 3 acts (after Lewis Carroll) for 3-3-4-3, 4-3-3-1, 3 prc, hp, str


Suite from 'Alice' for 3-3-4-3, 4-3-3-1, 3 prc, hp, str


Ingoma for 2-2-2-2, 1-1-1, tmp, 1 prc, str [Edition Kemel]


Ingoma for 2-2-2-2, 2-0-0, 1 prc, str [Edition Kemel]


Sinfonia africana for s, chorus, 2-2-2-2, 2-1-1-1, tmp, 2 prc, pf, hp, str (available in English) [Edition Kemel] 


Partita africana for 2-2-2-2, 4-3-3-1, tmp, 2 prc, str 


     The World Orchestra, Josep Vicent (2013)


Apocalypsis for 3-3-3-3, 4-3-3-1, tmp, 3 prc, cel/pf, hp, str


Simulacrum for 3-3-3-3, 4-3-3-1, tmp, 3 prc, cel/pf, hp, str


Umkulo Wemvula [Rainmusic] for 2-2-2-2, 3-3-3-1, tmp, 3 prc, str [Edition Kemel] 


The Four-Note Overture for 2-2-2-2, 4-3-3-1, tmp, 3 prc, str [Allmusic, Edition Kemel]


Kasi – An Introduction to the Orchestra for narrator, 2-2-2-2, 4-3-2-1, tmp, 3 prc, str [Allmusic]


Des ténèbres (Uit donker dieptes) for 3-2-2-2, 4-3-3-1, tmp, 2 prc, str


Symphony II – The Elements for 3-2-2-2, 4-3-3-1, tmp, 2 prc, pf/cel, hrp, str










Solo vocal . Choral . Instrumental . Orchestral





Ainsi qu’on oit le cerf bruire – Cantata for high voice, flute, cello and piano.

Marianne Serfontein (soprano), Marietjie Pauw (flute), Anmari van der Westhuizen (cello), Bennie van Eeden (piano). Music Commemorating the Huguenots. Stellenbosch: Sunset Recording Studios (for the Huguenot Foundation of South Africa), 2002


Twee Gedigte van Eugène Marais: I. Winternag for voice and piano

Of Innocence and Experience: II. A Cradle Song; III. The Sick Rose for voice and piano

Tre liriche in stile antico: II. L’infinito for voice, flute and piano

Oda a la bella desnuda II for voice and cello

Due sonetti di Petrarca: I. Zefiro torna for high voice flute, cello and piano

Julia Bronkhorst (soprano), Paula van Delden (flute), Rebecca Smit (cello), Jacco Lamfers (piano)

Swewe en Swerwe – Poetical Songs about and from South Africa. Eindhoven, Netherlands: Q Disk, 2003. Q 97042. Barcode: 8 713309 970425 [On Spotify]


Of Innocence and experience – Song cycle for voice and piano

Tre liriche in stile antico – Song cycle for voice and piano

Tre canzoni – Song cycle for voice and piano

en skielik is dit aand – Song cycle for voice and piano

Die stil avontuur – Song cycle for voice and piano

Vier gebede by jaargetye in die Boland – Song cycle for voice and piano

Zanne Stapelberg (soprano), André Howard (baritone), Hendrik Hofmeyr (piano)

Hendrik Hofmeyr – Lieder. Cape Town: 2007


Twee Gedigte van Eugène Marais: I. Winternag for voice and piano

Twee Gedigte van Eugène Marais: I. Winternag for voice and piano

Vanessa Tait-Jones (soprano), André Howard (baritone), Elna van der Merwe (piano)

'n Eeu van Afrikaanse Liedkuns. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University and SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, 2010


Ainsi qu’on oit le cerf bruire – Cantata for high voice, flute, cello and piano

Melissa Manseau (soprano), Jennifer Yeaton-Paris (flute), Beth Pearson (cello), Paul Dykstra (piano)

Rapport. Hampton, USA: Navona Records, 2010.  NV5827. Barcode: 96931 00027 [Spotify]


Ainsi qu’on oit le cerf bruire – Cantata for high voice, flute, cello and piano

Melissa Manseau (soprano), Jennifer Yeaton-Paris (flute), Beth Pearson (cello), Paul Dykstra (piano)

Fine Music II. Hampton, USA: Navona Records, 2011.  NV5851. [Apple Music]  


Of Darkness and the Heart for soprano and string quartet

Sabina Mossolow (soprano), Odeion String Quartet

Of Darkness and the Heart. Cape Town: SACM Productions, SACM20-0813, 2013. Barcode: 0700371586300


Of Innocence and Experience for high voice, trumpet and piano 

Serafini Brillanti: Rhonda Nus Tinnin (soprano),  Randall Tinnin (trumpet), Erin K. Bennett (piano)

Serafini Brillanti. USA: Centaur Records, CRC 3914, 2022:  ISBN 044747391328


Music, when soft voices die for tenor and piano

Twee gedigte van Eugène Marais for soprano and piano 

Alleenstryd for baritone and piano

Thula, thu for soprano and piano 

Die skaduwee van die son for mezzo-soprano and piano

Wintersprokie for mezzo-soprano and piano

Three Shakespeare sonnets for tenor and piano 

Die junge Magd for soprano and piano

Brittany Smith, Paulina Malefane (sopranos), Minette du Toit-Pierce, Ané Pretorius (mezzo-sopranos),

Jason Atherton (tenor), Van Wyk Venter (baritone), Esthea Kruger (piano)

The worlds behind the words – Art songs of Hendrik Hofmeyr.  Cape Town: SACM Productions, 2022.


Twee verjaarsdagliedere for mezzo-soprano and piano

Woorde in die wind for mezzo-soprano and piano

Minette du Toit-Pierce (mezzo-soprano), Marika Hofmeyr (piano)

Nagmusiek. France: Horus/Triton, ISBN 3487720005770, 2023 [Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify, Tidal]


Thula, thu for soprano and piano 

The broken string for soprano and piano

Bree Nichols (soprano), Alexandr Starý (piano)

Tapestry of voices. USA: Navona NV6583,  896931008839, 2023 [Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify, Tidal]





Requiem: III. Lux aeterna for vocal quartet and 8-part choir

Choir of Hoërskool Bellville, Leon Starker (conductor)

Hoërskool Bellville Gemengde Koor 1991-1996. Cape Town: 1996


Of Innocence and Experience: Spring for 4-part choir and xylophone

Tygerberg Koor, Linda Claassen (conductor)

Voces Canorae 1998. Cape Town: 1998


Die Spokewals for 8-part choir

Uqongqot’hwane for choir

Thula babana for treble choir                                                                                                                                      

Pro Cantu, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Pro Cantu 2000. Cape Town: 2000


Tu pauperum refugium for four treble choirs and audience

Tygerberg Children's Choir, Odawara Children's Choir (Japan), Moram Choir (Israel), Newfoundland Youth Symphony Choir, Hennie Loock (conductor)

The World of Children’s Choirs: SongBridge 2001 Concert. Vancouver, 2001


Tu pauperum refugium for four treble choirs and audience

Tygerberg Children's Choir, Odawara Children's Choir (Japan), Moram Choir (Israel), Newfoundland Youth Symphony Choir, Hennie Loock (conductor).

Eternity. Cape Town, 2002


Pie Jesu for choir.                                                                                                              

SA College of Music Choir, Leon Starker (conductor)

Glimpses of Music in Africa. Cape Town: Pasmae, 2002. CDPASMAE001


A sexta autem hora for 8-part choir.

University of Pretoria Camerata, Johann van der Sandt (conductor)

South African Choral Music I: Horizons. Helmstedt: Prospect, 2002. Gema 00122. Barcode: 4 025531 001223 


Requiem: I. Requiem et Kyrie; IV. Lux aeterna for vocal quartet and 8-part choir

Sanet Allen (soprano), Suzanne Erasmus (contralto), Stephen Carletti (tenor), Timothy Visser (bass), Stellenbosch Camerata, Acáma Fick (conductor).

Music Commemorating the Huguenots. Stellenbosch: Sunset Recording Studios (for the Huguenot Foundation of South Africa), 2002


How sweet the moonlight for treble choir

Stellenberg Girls Choir, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Stellenberg Girls Choir in Concert. Cape Town: 2002


Sweet was the Song for treble choir

Tygerberg Children's Choir, Hennie Loock (conductor)

Christmas Time/Dis Kersfees. Cape Town: 2003


Hodie Christus natus est for treble and mixed choirs

Tygerberg Children's Choir and 30th anniversary re-union choir, Hennie Loock (conductor)

Thank you for the music. Cape Town: 2005


Uqongqot’hwane for choir for choir

Die Dans van die Reën for 8-part choir

Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Illumina. Stellenbosch: 2005


Die Dans van die Reën for 8-part choir

KwaZulu-Natal Youth Choir, Gérard'd du Toit (conductor)

Celebration. 2005


Hodie Christus natus est for treble choir

Thula babana for treble choir.

Stellenberg Girls Choir, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Inyanga Entsha. Cape Town: 2005


Pie Jesu for choir

Singkronies Choir, Johann van der Sandt (conductor)

South African Choral Music IV: Khutso. Helmstedt: Helmstedt: Prospect, 2006. Gema 00174


Super flumina Babylonis for 6-part choir

University of Pretoria Camerata, Johann van der Sandt (conductor)

An International Collection of Choral Music. Helmstedt: Prospect, 2006. Gema 00175


A sexta autem hora for 8-part choir

Pro Cantu, Leon Starker (conductor)

Lux Aurunque. Cape Town, 2006. PC06


Die Dans van die Reën for 8-part choir

Ljubljanski Madrigalisti, Andrea Martinjak (conductor)

Blizu Srca. Slovenia: Sazas, 2007. No number


Desert Sun for 8-part choir

KamÄ“r…, Maris Sirmais (conductor)

World Sun Songs. Riga: KamÄ“r…, 2008. No number [On Spotify]


Batter my Heart for 8-part choir

Pro Cantu, Leon Starker (conductor)

Pro Cantu. Cape Town, 2008. PC07


Par les Sentiers de lumière: I. Mon amie, tu me suivras for choir

Pie Jesu for choir

Pro Arte Singer, Arthur Sjögren (conductor)

Pro Arte Singers - Thirty-Sixth Season 2008-2009. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Candlewood Digital, 2009.  PAS 3604


The birth of Orc for choir 

Pie Jesu for choir 

Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Laudate. Stellenbosch: 2009


Kaljanner Kaljanner for treble choir

Thula, babana for treble choir

Tygerberg Children's Choir, Hennie Loock (conductor).

Champions in Song. Cape Town: 2011


The Healing Prayer for choir and organ

Pro Arte Singer, Michael Burnette (organ), Arthur Sjögren (conductor)

Opening Concert 2010-2011: From Romantic to Contemporary. Stamford, Connecticut, USA: Candlewood Digital, 2011.  PAS 3801


A sexta autem hora for 8-part choir

Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Headline - Stellenbosch University Choir in concert. Stellenbosch: 2012


Genesis for 8-part choir                                                                                                                               

Lied van !Kho die Bloukraanvoël for 4-part choir                                                                                             

Cape Town Youth Choir, Leon Starker (conductor)

Chariots. Cape Town: 2014


Die Spokewals for 8-part choir

University of Pretoria Camerata, Michael Barrett (conductor)

Phoenix. Pretoria: 2014


The birth of Orc for choir 

Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Shadows and Wings. Stellenbosch: 2016


Hodie Christus natus est – Version for mixed choir

Stellenbosch University Choir, André van der Merwe (conductor)

Heaven’s Flock. Stellenbosch: 2019





Kalunga for piano

Ju Jin (piano)

Ninth Unisa International Piano Competition. Johannesburg: BMG Records Africa, 2000. CDCLA (LF)003.

Barcode: 6 007124 328830


Chaconne for piano

Grethe Nöthling (piano)

Hennie Joubert Pianoforte Competition 2000. Paarl: Muzik Front, 2000


Incantesimo for flute                                                                                                           

Merryl Neille (flute)

University of Pretoria Music Department 2001. Pretoria: University of Pretoria Music Department, 2001. CSO502


Tango dal balletto 'Alice' for six cellos

I Grandi Violoncellisti

Dances for 6. London: 2006. Cello Classics CC1019. Barcode: 5 023581 101923 [Amazon]


Sonata per corno e pianoforte

Shannon Armer (horn), Sandra Kettle (piano)

Collected Works. Cape Town: South African Horn Society, 2006


Notturno elegiaco for flute, cello and piano

Trio Hemanay.

Trio Hemanay. Johannesburg: Classic FM, 2007. HEM01. Barcode: 6 001651 036077


It takes two ... for flute, cello and piano

Trio Hemanay

It takes three. Johannesburg, 2010. HEM002. Barcode: 6 001651 044577


Il poeta e l’usignolo [The poet and the nightingale] for flute and harp

Liesl Stoltz (flute), Jacqueline Kerrod (harp). 

Liesl Stoltz and Jacqueline Kerrod. Cape Town, 2011


​Incantesimo for flute

Marietjie Pauw 

Fofa le nna. Stellenbosch, 2012


Canto notturno for clarinet and piano

Maria du Toit (clarinet), Nina Schumann (piano)

Luminous Shade. Austria: TwoPianists Records, 2012. TP1039145. Barcode: 60009801039145 [Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify]


Rapsodia notturna for guitar and piano 

Goran Krivokapić (guitar), Corneli Smit (piano)

Chamber Music for Guitar and Piano. Germany: KSG Exaudio, 2013. Barcode: 4260108670277 [Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music]


Song of the Summer Wind for flute and violin

Owen Brits (flute), Farida Bacharova (violin)

Song of the Summer Wind – Choral music and new South African works from the Darling Music Experience. Darling: DME/CD/2013, 2013


String Quartet I

String Quartet II

Odeion String Quartet

Of Darkness and the Heart. Cape Town: SACM Productions, SACM20-0813, 2013. Barcode: 0700371586300


Sonata for Flute and Piano

Mabalêl Fantasy for flute and piano

Il poeta e l’usignolo [The poet and the nightingale] for flute and harp

Incantesimo for solo flute

Marimba for solo flute

Liesl Stoltz (flute), Jose Dias (piano), Francois du Toit (piano), Jacqueline Kerrod (harp) 

Explorations – South African Flute Music. Cape Town: SACM Productions, 2015


Partita africana: I. Preludio; II.Umdanso for piano

Renée Reznek (piano)

From my beloved country – New South African piano music. London: ASC Records, PFCD055,

0607128 998792, 2017 [On Spotify]


Variazioni sopra una ninnananna africana [Variations on an African lullaby] for violin 

Lieva Starker (violin)

Weerspieëlings. Cape Town: 2017 [Apple Music]


Preludio e umdanso for double bass and piano

Leon Bosch (double bass), Rebeca Omordia (piano)

The South African Double Bass. London: Meridian, LC 13637, ISBN 50159466123, 2020


Ballata africana for piano 

Partita africana for piano 

Endymion and the Moon for violin and piano 

Philomela’s Night Song for violin and piano 

Sonata for Flute and Piano

Sonata for Vibraphone and Piano 

Marika Hofmeyr (piano), Phillipe Bernold (flute), Berthilde Dufour (violin), Phillipe Voituron (vibraphone)

Hendrik Hofmeyr – Partita africana. France: Triton, ISBN 3487720005749, 2020 [Amazon, Apple Music, Deezer, Qobuz, Spotify, Tidal] 


​Mabalel Fantasy for flute and piano

Peter Cartwright (piano), Khayisile Mthetwa (flute)

African Bird. Johannesburg, ISBN 198002104458, 2021 [Spotify]


Sonata for Clarinet and Piano 

Sonata for Horn and Piano 

Sonata I for Violin and Piano 

Ferdinand Steiner (clarinet), Jeff Nelsen (horn), Alissa Margulis (violin), Nina Schumann (piano)

Hofmeyr – Duo sonatas. Stellenbosch: TwoPianists, 2022 [Amazon, Apple Music, IsraBox, Spotify]


Canto notturno for clarinet and piano 

Danrè Strydom (clarinet), Grethe Nöthling (piano)

Opus ZA – A collection of South African gems for clarinet and piano. The Netherlands: Aliud, 2022 [Spotify, Apple Music]


Fantasia sopra 'Senzeni na' for piano 

Marika Hofmeyr

Nagmusiek. France: Triton, ISBN 3487720005770, 2023 [Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, Spotify, Tidal]





Immagini da “Il cielo sopra Berlino” for chamber orchestra

Orchestra musica ‘900, Maurizio Dino Ciacci (conductor) 

Primo Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Trento Cinema - La Colonna Sonora. Milan: Ricordi, 1988


Raptus for violin and orchestra                                                                                         

Andrew Haveron (violin), Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of Flanders, Marc Soustrot (conductor) 

Concours Musical International Reine Elisabeth de Belgique 1997. Brussels: Musica Numeris, 1997. CYP 9306. Barcode: 5 412217 096038  [Spotify]


Concerto for Flute and Orchestra

Concerto for Piano and Ochestra

Ingoma for orchestra

Helen Vosloo (flute), Francois du Toit (piano), National Symphony Orchestra, Emmanuel Siffert (conductor)

Hendrik Hofmeyr. Stellenbosch: Distell Foundation for the Performing Arts, 2002. CDX02/002


Sinfonia africana for soprano, choir and orchestra

Sabina Mossolow (soprano), Stellenbosch University Choir, Cape Philharmonic Orchestra, Lesley Dunner (conductor)

Hendrik Hofmeyr – Sinfonia africana. Cape Town: Cape Philharmonic Orchestra, 2005


Concerto for Flute, Violin and String Orchestra

Raffaele Trevisani (flute), Piet Koornhof (violin), Moscow Chamber Orchestra, Constantine Orbelian (conductor)

New Century Flute Concertos. Sonoma, USA:  Delos, 2010. DE 3399. Barcode: 0 13491 33992 [Apple Music, Spotify]


Des ténèbres for orchestra

Stellenbosch University Symphony Orchestra, Corvin Mattei (conductor)

Hugenote Feeskonsert. Franschhoek: 2013





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